Combining Multiple Nexus Accounts

Do you have more than one Nexus login and therefore, have multiple Nexus tiles in OneLogin to cycle thru?  Well we have a trick for you that will roll your multiple Nexus logins into 1 to thus only needing 1 OneLogin tile!


1.       Log into each of your “extra” logins and delegate that account to your main Nexus account. 


Example – I have 2 Nexus accounts

·         Administrator (This will be my master/main account)

·         Mixed Use (I delegated it to my Administrator account)


 2.       Now when you login to your main Nexus account, you will be able to toggle between all of your Nexus accounts.


·         When I click on my blue name in the top right corner of Nexus, the grey box lets me know which account is currently being used.

·         When I click on “Delegations”, it displays my other account, here is where you want to click to flip between accounts.


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·         When I click my other “delegations” account, you see my name changes color and you can see it tells me I am now in my other account

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3.       To switch back to the master account, click “Switch To Me”

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Extra Tip!

To see which accounts are delegated to your master account:

1.       From Administration – click on My Settings

2.       Click on User Delegation

3.       On the bottom under “Users who delegated to you” will list the accounts

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Once you delegated your other Nexus logins to your master account, you can delete any of the additional tiles you created in the OneLogin “Personal” tab and only use the provided Nexus tile.

                ***Make sure the Nexus tile has your master account login credentials. ***

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Hope this makes your life easier to switch between multiple logins in Nexus.