How to submit a request for Yardi Access/Update Security?

What information is needed?

1.       Employee Name and/or Email / Current Position

2.       Provide Property Name or Entity Code

3.       Be detailed as possible, let us know if this employee is now permanently at this new property and/or if we need to remove any property.

4.       If the Employee is assisting multiple properties, note they are assisting and to keep current properties.

a.       To avoid a work stoppage or delays, we highly urge to place a ticket the day before the employee is scheduled to cover at another property.

5.       RM’s, when promoting please make sure once the workflow with HR has been completed, then submit a ticket in order to update employee credentials/access in Yardi.

a.       Nexus credentials are updated by E&T


Did you know?

1.       Once access is updated in Yardi this will reflect in CRM and RentCafe.

a.       Tenant/Lease issues with CRM or RentCafe submit a ticket with E&T.

2.       If you have access to more than one property and see “Access denied” in CRM, click on your profile and select the property you are working at.